• Travel

    8 Lessons You Learn From Travelling the World

    If you’ve never travelled much, it can be awe-inspiring to talk with someone that does. They have a wisdom and understanding of the world that you can’t gain from camping at the local lake or staying at a condo in Florida. Travelling gives you a more complete picture of the world. If personal growth is important to you, international travel can accelerate your development. Change your perspective with these lessons: Materialism is overrated. When you travel abroad, it’s not easy to bring your guitar collection, BMW, and fine silverware with you. You quickly find that you can do just fine without all of the items you seem to love so…

  • Lifestyle

    Money: Don’t Save it. Invest It

    You’ve read about the surprising benefits of saving money, but what if you could grow your savings faster? One way to do this is to invest your money instead of saving it. Investing your money could allow you to reach your savings goals more quickly. Below are a few different ways in which you can start investing. You can also read this press release titled “SOL Global Investments Corp. Acquires 10.22% Equity Stake in Captor Capital Corp.” to learn how businesses make their investments. High interest savers The most risk-free way to invest your money is to put it in a high interest savings account. Such accounts pay you interest each…

  • Lifestyle

    The Surprising Benefits Of Saving Money

    When it comes to putting money into our savings we might not automatically think about the benefits of saving money – however there are loads of benefits to consider. Here are some great reasons to save money. Emergencies Most emergencies that crop up can cost money, from an expensive car bill to needing to carry out a home repair, emergencies can add an unexpected expense. By saving money into your emergency fund you will have money set aside for these unexpected expenses that crop up. Without an emergency fund in place you might find yourself unable to pay for repairs, bills or debt repayments. You might also need to take…

  • Lifestyle

    The Benefits Of Homeschooling

    Many parents are concerned about the education of their children. What are their kids learning? What is being taught? How early should our offspring enter the education system? With all these questions, another one that we may ask ourselves is whether we should homeschool our children. Lets look at the benefits of homeschooling and see whether it’s for you and your kids. Child Led Learning Child led learning is possibly the number one reason people choose homeschooling over sending kids to school. Learning about stuff you actually want to learn about a huge deal. It keeps your attention and you actually enjoy it. Follow your child’s learning desires and move…

  • Lifestyle

    Tips To Overcome Imposter Syndrome

    Have you ever suffered from chronic self-doubt? Feeling like you don’t belong, or that everyone thinks you don’t deserve your achievements? If you can relate to those feelings, then you’ve likely experienced imposter syndrome. You’re not alone; studies suggest that 70% of people experience imposter syndrome at some point in their lives or career. Essentially, imposter syndrome stems from a high sense of self-doubt. Instead of attributing your success to your skills, you might downplay your success and attribute it to luck. Signs You Might Be Suffering from Imposter Syndrome ● Perfectionism. You may set high goals for yourself. Because your goal is perfection, the smallest mistakes may make you…

  • Lifestyle

    Does CBD Help With Travel Anxiety?

    Travel anxiety is very real, and many people suffer from it. It’s a combination of the stress and fear of visiting an unfamiliar place, which can trigger feelings of panic. Though I am sure they’d love to travel and see the world, this is really limiting many people to travelling by car, train, boat or even on foot. For some, this is not a big deal; they accept their limitations and do what they can. Others wish they could overcome their anxiety about flying to broaden their travel experiences and this is where I think CBD oil can help. What is CBD? You’ve likely heard of CBD. Perhaps you’ve wondered what…

  • Travel

    5 Ways To Keep Your Money Safe Abroad

    Keeping your money safe can be challenging, particularly when you’re abroad. There are so many pickpockets around the world and scams that are targeted towards unsuspecting tourists in an attempt to get them to part with their cash. Here are five ways you can keep your money safe and protect your valuables when abroad..  1. Split Your Cash When travelling, divide your cash and credit cards and store these in different places. Split everything up into various pockets across different bags, and only carry your main credit cards and 1-2 days worth of cash with you in your wallet. If something gets misplaced, lost or stolen, you then have emergency funds…

  • Cuba

    Cuba Bucket List: The Ultimate Top 10 Travel Experiences

    Every adventurous traveler should visit Cuba at least once in their lifetime; this vibrant destination has something for absolutely everyone. From hanging out in Havana, cruising the Malecon, smoking cigars with the locals to exploring the town of Trinidad.. There are so many unique things to do in Cuba. Here’s my top 10! Live Cuban Music Cubans believe that Cuba has played a significant role in the democratization of music and music is ingrained in the heart and soul of the country. Grammy award winning musicians can be found playing sax at many of the famous clubs and bars. Not only jazz; Danzon, Trova and many other types of music can be enjoyed…

  • Cuba

    My Cuban Love Story: Why I Fell In Love With Cuba

    I had always dreamt of visiting Cuba; the largest island in the Caribbean that has barely changed since the Cuban Revolution in 1959, led by Fidel Castro, and the subsequent US embargo which dramatically slowed down Cuba’s economic growth. Now that relations with US are relaxing and Castro has died, it’s thought that the Cuba of today is set for a rapid change and so visitors from all around the world are rushing to see the country before it changes forever. Including me.. I’ve always wanted to see this iconic island that is frozen in time with my own eyes and it’s suffice to say tourism is booming. So here are…

  • Lifestyle

    Water Conservation: 10 Tips to Reduce Your Usage

    Water is an extremely precious resource, and we must conserve it in every way possible. Climate change, and the more extreme weather that comes with it, means that water supply is becoming more unpredictable as droughts become increasingly common, especially in the summer months, so water conservation is more important than ever before. So here are 10 tips to reduce your usage of water so that everyone on this planet can continue to enjoy clean drinking water for many years to come! Turning The Tap Off Standing there while you’re brushing your teeth and letting the water just run down the drain is a huge waste of water. Turn the…